We have a lot of hotels and motel options across Colorado, but as of last week, we have one less as this long-standing overnight delight was condemned because it was found to be contaminated with meth.


Long-Standing Motel In Colorado Condemned Due To Contamination Of Meth

I've lived in Colorado my entire life and have seen many glorious hotels and motels become incredibly rundown since I was a kid. Some of these were the king of the crop when I was a kid, but as time goes on, they just aren't taken care of or given the proper upkeep so they slowly get worse and worse. One historic Colorado Motel for decades got so bad that it was recently condemned with the city confirming the condemnation last week.

Lamplighter Motel In Longmont, Colorado, Condemned From Meth

Right along Mainstreet in Downtown Longmont, Colorado, the family-owned Lamplighter Motel has serviced visitors throughout Colorado for decades. As you drove by in recent years, as I have pretty frequently, it's not entirely up to the "looks clean and safe" standards that most have come to expect when picking a place to lay our heads.

This unsafe assumption was confirmed by Longmont City Officials, last week as they informed the public that the once popular motel was condemned due to methamphetamine contamination. The property is surrounded by fencing to keep people out of the rooms and off the motel property until further notice. What's the next step?

It has to be cleaned by a hygienist that is certified by the state to ensure the clean-up is properly performed. Even when re-opened, what has to happen to prevent this type of situation from happening again? It's too hard to control what happens in these motel rooms after the keys are given, and older motels like the Lamplighter get saddled with the nickname "no tell motel" for a reason. We hope for the sake of those who called the Lamplighter home, that they find a way to get cleaned up, and back up & running as soon as possible. Speaking of wild motels and hotels...

Abandoned Historic Hotel is One of Colorado’s Most Endangered

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

The South Platte Hotel has been abandoned for many years and is known as one of the most endangered buildings in Colorado.

A Colorado Hospital turned Hotel will Make You Believe in Ghosts

The Hotel St. Nicholas in Cripple Creek, Colorado was once a hospital and has quite a history of paranormal activity.