Colorado's Governor approved Senate Bill 24-231 in May of 2024. It became effective on August 7th of this year. If you own a liquor store in Colorado or work in the industry you may have followed the details closely, otherwise you may never have heard of it.

Read More: Colorado Hands-Free Law Starts Jan 1—Avoid $75 Fines Now

Let's take a closer look at the changes being made at liquor stores in the Centennial State as part of SB 24-231 below.

Colorado Liquor Stores May Open Christmas Day

Liquor stores open on Christmas
Canva Pro

Beginning with Christmas of 2025, SB 24-231 will allow Colorado liquor stores to operate on Christmas Day. In previous years, liquor stores needed to close. If you have had to endure a last-minute run to a liquor store on Christmas Eve, you will be able to shop on Christmas Day in 2025. The change gives liquor retailers the option to be open on Christmas Day if they wish.

Colorado Tastings and Educational Classes

Assorted wine tastings
Canva Pro

With the new bill, Colorado liquor stores will now be allowed to host educational classes. Retailers who are authorized to host product tastings will now be allowed to do so starting at 10 a.m. instead of 11 a.m.

Read More: New Chain Laws In Colorado: What Drivers Need To Know

Inventory Sales and Festival Permits

30 days notice
Canva Pro

Additional changes at Colorado liquor stores thanks to SB 24-231 will include retail stores that are going out of business will now be allowed to sell what remaining inventory they have to another retail liquor store.

Colorado has also changed the notification period for festival permittees to notify the state and local authorities of festival dates and locations from 30 business days to 30 calendar days before the event.

NEXT UP: Crazy Old Colorado Laws That Are Still Enforced Today

We all know that we need laws and law enforcement to keep our communities civilized. But it's amazing how many outdated laws are still on the books across our beautiful country.

After looking at OutThere Colorado and Uncover Colorado I put together a list of ridiculous laws that are still in effect here in the state that we call home.

KEEP GOING: 12 Ways Coloradans Accidentally Break the Law Without Knowing It

Have you ever discovered you were breaking a law in Colorado that you didn't even know about? You're not alone. We're looking at 12 common mistakes Coloradans make that can result in a costly fine if you are not paying attention.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

UP NEXT: 18 State Laws Colorado Residents Want to Get Rid Of

As Colorado residents, we're asking you what state laws you think are outdated or unnecessary. Would you get rid of the state income tax or something else? Scroll through the comments below to see which laws Colorado is ready to get rid of.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams