Sometimes, rules can seem stupid. Especially when you read them on paper. How can a state known for perfect winter weather like Colorado, be home to several towns where throwing a snowball is illegal?

Read More: It Snows More in These Colorado Towns Than Almost Anywhere

Did you know there are 10 towns in the Centennial State with sections of municipal code dedicated to rules and regulations regarding snowballs and the throwing of snow?

No Snowballs Allowed

It might sound unbelievable, but in a state known for its stunning snow, snowball fights can be illegal. While it may seem odd, banning snowballs is likely for safety reasons—after all, accidents from snowball throwing do happen. The good news is that in most Colorado towns, the ban only applies within city limits, so you’re free to enjoy snowball fights in less populated areas with more snow.

Snowball Bans in Colorado

No snowballs allowed
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Rodemer and Kane Attorneys at Law compiled a list of several Colorado communities that have specific laws, rules, or bans in place regarding snowball throwing:

  • Severance: Snowballs are banned within the town limits.
  • Aspen: Throwing snowballs at vehicles, buildings, or people is illegal (§ 15.04.210).
  • Boulder: It’s illegal to cast, throw, or propel objects, including snowballs (§ 5-6-9(a)).
  • Fort Collins: Snowball throwing at vehicles is prohibited (Chap. 17 Art. VI § 17-102).
  • Windsor: Bans throwing snowballs at vehicles, buildings, trees, property, or people in public (§ 10-4-80).
  • Snowmass: It’s illegal to throw snowballs in a way that causes harm or property damage (§ 10-42).
  • Louisville: Snowballs that pose a risk of injury or damage are prohibited (Chap. 9.36 § 010).
  • Hudson, New Castle, Rifle: Snowballs may only be thrown at the property you own.
  • Keenesburg, Leadville, Loveland, Nederland, Oak Creek, Pierce: Snowballs are banned in public.
  • Glenwood Springs: Throwing snowballs at people with intent to harm is illegal.
  • Idaho Springs: Snowballs are allowed for recreational purposes, as long as there’s no unreasonable risk of harm.

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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams