If you're lucky, you might have the chance to see some amazing wildlife while out and about in Colorado.

Some of the wildlife you'll likely find might not be common to other parts of the United States. That's one of the greatest things about Colorado, its uniqueness.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Abandoned Places Around Colorado

Living with the Colorado Wildlife

While we continue to push civilization further and further into wildlife's territory, we need to make sure, as humans, that we give them the space and respect they deserve.

These animals have a long history of living in the area, so remember not to interfere with wildlife by harassing the animals, capturing them, or feeding them.

Where to See Colorado Wildlife

Wildlife in Colorado can be found across the state, from your backyard to the mountains.

We have to remember when we're in nature, this is where they spend their lives and most are not used to human contact.

Proper Colorado Wildlife Viewing Etiquette

To keep yourself and the animals safe, here are a few tips to follow when viewing wildlife.

  • Keep a safe distance: Do not attempt to get in close range of a wild animal.
  • DO NOT feed wildlife
  • Do not make sudden movements that may startle wildlife
  • It's best to leave your pets at home: protect your fur baby and wildlife by keeping these animals separated.
  • Avoid direct eye contact: again wildlife is wild and may see that as a threat.
  • Respect other viewers and private property

39 Colorado Animals You May Run Into

A large variety of wildlife is just one of the many perks of living in Colorado. Check out this list and count how many of these animals you've seen in person.

Colorado's Endangered & Threatened Species: 19 Animals Found On the List

Several different animals found in Colorado are listed as "endangered" by the federal government and the Centennial State. We're taking a closer look at 19 of the animals in the gallery below considered endangered or threatened in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

Beware of the 12 Most Dangerous Animals in Colorado

Keep an eye out for the following 12 dangerous animals in Colorado. While these creatures usually go out of their way to avoid you, if you encounter one you will want to give it plenty of space. Scroll on to see each one and find out why they make the cut of the most dangerous animals in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams