WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

It seems like wherever you find abandoned tunnels, you find a lot of weirdness as well. There's a tunnel in Colorado Springs with hundreds of paintings of zombies inside it, there are haunted railroad tunnels near Manitou Springs and plenty of other creepy tunnels all across the state of Colorado.

Read More: Colorado’s Secret Zombie Tunnel will Make your Skin Crawl |

While it's highly discouraged to explore one of these places in real life for both safety and legal reasons, you can keep scrolling to take a virtual tour of a tunnel in Colorado littered with numerous types of graffiti and might even be haunted.

Colorado Tunnel Littered with Graffiti

Most of the time, abandoned homes, buildings, and tunnels are found covered in graffiti. The tunnel we're going to check out today is no exception, but the types of graffiti found in this place suggest that numerous individuals from different walks of life have tagged the concrete walls.

For example, much of the graffiti appears to be gang-related, while other tags appear to be more playful in nature.

Is this Colorado Tunnel Haunted?

One of the more unnerving parts of the video taken by the urban explorer shows him finding a golf ball and throwing it down one of the tunnels. Immediately after doing this, the golf ball comes back as if someone threw it back to him.

It gets even creepier when he throws the ball in the other direction and it's almost immediately returned, suggesting possible paranormal activity in the tunnel.

Again, exploring a place like this is not only dangerous but also typically considered trespassing. However, you can take a virtual tour of this creepy tunnel below:

Colorado Tunnel Has Signs of Gang + Possible Paranormal Activity

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

An urban explorer found a tunnel in Colorado littered with graffiti and possible paranormal activity.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Colorado’s Secret Zombie Tunnel will Make your Skin Crawl

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

They say that there are over 70 zombies painted in what is known by some as Colorado’s zombie tunnel.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Bad Vibes Everywhere at Notoriously Haunted Tunnel in Colorado

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

The notoriously haunted third tunnel at Colorado’s Gold Camp Road has a dark, tragic past and evidence of very sketchy things happening there at night.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde