Yesterday, when I was in the grocery store, something caught my eye, a thing that looked like a fruit, yet more closely resembling a brain. It was called a hedge ball. I have seen these before in years past but never really paid attention to them.

These weird ball-shaped produce items are said to repel unwanted insects and spiders in your home. Me being me, I of course had to research them further.

Matt Sparx
Matt Sparx

What Exactly is a Hedgeball?

Hedgeballs have numerous names. These unique items are also known as Hedge Apples, but they are not apples. Hedgeballs are oranges. Osage Oranges to be exact.  According to Iowa State University, Osage Oranges grow on trees that are about 25 to 30 feet tall. These trees produce these brain-looking fruits that are approximately four to five inches in diameter.

Matt Sparx
Matt Sparx

I found these Hedgeballs at Hay's Market in Johnstown and I have had a few of my neighbors swear by these weird fruit for repelling insects and spiders in their homes.

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