Before we even begin, let me assure you there is no need to panic. A "For Sale By Owner" sign was recently posted in front of a popular Grand Junction, Colorado business. What's going on?

You'll see this sign in front of Home Style Bakery at 925 N. 7th Street in Grand Junction. Don't worry, though. The bakery isn't going anywhere soon.

Home Style Bakery Property For Sale Sign
Waylon Jordan

Popular Grand Junction Colorado  Business

Didn't Home Style Bakery just celebrate its 75th anniversary about a month and a half ago? Yes, they did. They first opened their doors in 1948.

According to their official webpage, Walt Schultz and Al Troester, along with a crew of five employees, opened the bakery back in 1948 at 940 North Avenue in Grand Junction. After 24 years of business, Schultz moved the bakery to its current location at 925 N.7th Street.

What's Up With The Sign?

I was sitting at my desk yesterday (June 14, 2023) actively pretending to work when I received a text from my buddy Tom. It read:

Home Style Bakery text message
Waylon Jordan / Canva

After experiencing something I would describe as a colossal anxiety attack, I hopped in the Soccermom-mobile and set a course for Home Style Bakery.

Home Style Bakery Property For Sale Sign (1)
Waylon Jordan

The Official Word

The official word from the lovely lady behind the counter whose name I failed to ask, although I believe it may be Maud, offered comfort. According to Maud, or perhaps it was Gurt, it's only the building and the property up for sale. Yes, you heard right, it's only the property that is "For Sale By Owner."

She amplified the point by adding the owners of the bakery have rented the property for some time.

This Is Good News

I have no idea if this still happens, but back in 1987, students in Ms. Somethingoranother's College Prep Composition class used to make donut runs to Homestyle Bakery. On a good day, a round-trip sprint from the southeast building of Grand Junction High School to Homestyle Bakery could be completed in under ten minutes.

This bakery is a fixture in Grand Junction. I stopped there this morning. They offer incredible donuts, cookies, cakes, and a variety of other delights. They're even happy to make custom birthday cakes, no matter how weird. Here are a couple they've made for me recently:

Johnny Cash Birthday Cake
Waylon Jordan
Facebook / Canva
Facebook / Canva
Home Style Bakery cake
Waylon Jordan

Again, no need to panic. This is simply a property sale. The building my radio stations occupy has been bought and sold at least three times in the 24 years I've worked here (although nobody in their right mind would call what I do "work").

You Told Us These Grand Junction Businesses Have Great Customer Service

In 2023, prices are stupidly high on most things that people actually need. When you go out and shop, you want to go to a place that still wants to earn your dollar. In a time when most cashiers won't make eye contact with you, it's nice to know there are still places that know what great customer service is. Scroll on to see which local businesses you told us are the best for great service with a smile.

NEXT: Small Locally-Owned Colorado Restaurants Worth The Drive

Do find yourself hopping in the car and driving 60 or 70 miles just to visit your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant or cafe. People in Western Colorado do this all the time. They gather the fam-damily and pile in the SUV to drive up to Mesa to visit the Wagon Wheel. Maybe you pile in the car and drive from Grand Junction to Meeker simply to visit Clark's Burgers.

I asked on Facebook, "Name a small, locally-owned restaurant/cafe/bakery in Western Colorado that's worth making the drive for." Here's what you had to say.

KEEP SCROLLING: Colorado's 10 Most Iconic Restaurants According To Uncover Colorado

Wednesday, August 24, 2022, we celebrate "Iconic American Restaurants Day." When it comes to Colorado, where will you find the states most "iconic" restaurants? According to Uncover Colorado, these are the state's top 10.